Programwindows settings

How to Disable Microsoft Edge on Windows 10

Even though the Microsoft Edge released for a long time, but there are many people do not want to use it as their default browser or want to uninstall it. Due to the new technology, Microsoft Edge cannot compatible with many websites, and in some countries, it is not compatible with the natural speaking.

So some people want to uninstall the Edge or disable it. You cannot uninstall the Microsoft Edge, but you can try to reset a default browser or use the Internet Explorer as the default program. Because the Internet Explorer 11 is fully compatible with the naturally speaking.

How to Disable Microsoft Edge and Use Internet Explorer on Windows 10?

If you do not want to use Microsoft Edge and are used to use the Internet Explorer, you can change the Microsoft Edge to Internet Explorer.

1. Open Internet Explorer. Typing internet in the search box and find the desktop application Internet Explorer to open it.

2. Click Tools icon on the top toolbar of the Internet Explorer, and then choose Internet options. This will help you to enter the Internet Explorer settings window.

internet options

3. Locate at Programs, and click Make Internet Explorer the default Browser.

make internet explorer as the default browser

4. On the left side, choose Internet Explorer, then it will be listed on the right side.

5. Click the option Set this program as default. So you can use Internet Explorer to open the all programs and file types, it can be opened by default.

click internet explorer

6. After that, if you click a website address from other place such as message window, it will opened with Internet Explorer 11.

7. And of course, you can choose the second option: Choose defaults for this program.

select all

In the page, you can select the file types you want to use Internet Explorer to open it as default. You can tick Select All. This will make all the extensions such as .htm, html, mht, mhtml, partial, svg, url, etc files and protocols such as FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, MK, RES protocols open up with Internet Explorer 11.

More Articles:

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Jane He
Jane is a tech-writer and content writer with an endless passion for exploring computer problems and technologies. She loves solving problems and helping others with challenges in dealing with technical problems. Hence, she has been writing articles for to provide technical support and suggestions for people.

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